The last few years have been very difficult economically. Even now, a complete economic recovery does not appear to be a sure thing. If you are looking for work in this environment, you need every possible advantage.
A drunk driving conviction can be particularly damaging. If you have been charged with DWI, you need a lawyer who understands the long-term issues associated with any criminal conviction.
White Plains And New City DUI Defense Lawyers Fighting For Your Future
At Greenspan & Greenspan P.C., our lawyers regularly represent professionals and other people accused of DWI. We understand that in these times, a criminal conviction can devastate your employment prospects. We will fight to seek a positive resolution to your case, whether it is a dismissal, acquittal in trial or a plea agreement that mitigates the worst of the penalties.
Our lawyers regularly represent professionals and people employed in such fields as:
- Medicine and nursing
- Dentistry
- Pharmacy
- Education, including teachers, administrators, coaches or counselors
- Law
- Real estate
- Securities
If You Hold A Professional License, A DWI Conviction Is Especially Damaging
If you work in the securities industry or are a physician, attorney or another professional, your professional license must remain in good standing in order for you to continue working in your chosen field. A conviction for drunk driving can jeopardize your license. If you have to inform your professional association that you have been convicted of a crime, it may result in the suspension of your professional license or other penalties.
Our law firm also serves college students and other young people who are just entering the workforce. A DWI conviction can prevent you from reaching your full potential in the workplace. Regardless of your position in life, our law firm will examine all the evidence and put forth the strongest possible defense on your behalf. We do not want to see your prospects damaged by a DWI conviction.
A note to noncitizens: If you are not a citizen of the United States and have been charged with drunk driving or related charges, you may face deportation or other adverse actions as a result. It is important that you consult with an immigration attorney to discuss these consequences.
Contact Us About How A DWI Conviction Could Affect Your Career
Call our White Plains office or our New City office at 914-946-2500 to schedule a free phone consultation. You may also reach our employment record New York state attorneys by email. We have offices in New York.